
March Madness. Mad There Weren't Any Good Books

10 Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart
by Daphne Rose Kingma
I met Daphne Rose Kingma on a flight from NYC. She had just appeared on a very famous person’s talk show, and I was heading back to Ketchum, Idaho. Since then I’ve read all her books. Her new release sounded like the perfect salve for my open wound. Unfortunately my life had exploded, not simply fallen apart.

Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris
Oh Boy a new David Sedaris book!!!! I was wetting my pants in anticipation, but his animal-themed short stories are dog’s. Not funny and not interesting.

The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards
Edward’s new book is about strong women and how the most ordinary women can help change history. Lucy Jarrett returns home from Japan, to find herself haunted by her father's unresolved death a decade ago. Her research to solve the mystery will uncover a few family secrets. Not as good as The Memory Keepers Daughter, also by Edwards.

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