
Books Read March 2008

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle’s new book presents readers with a look at how he sees the current state of humanity – namely that our reality has been created and continues to be ruled by the egoic mind. The good news is humanity is ready -- perhaps more than in any previous time --to create a new, more loving world.
I’m not saying I totally ‘got’ this book and I’m not saying I have suddenly awoken to my life’s purpose, but I found my breathe, and that’s no shabby start.

The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho
Brazilian author Paulo Coelho does it again! Although he writes a book just every two years – when he finds a white feather, it seems every book is a beautiful treasure well worth the wait.
The title of the book comes from London's Portobello Road, where Sherine Khalil, aka Athena, holds worship meetings, but this book truly spans the globe. The story recounts her birth in Transylvania to a Gypsy mother, her adoption by wealthy Lebanese Christians; her short, early marriage to a man she meets at a London college, her son Viorel's birth; and her stint selling real estate in Dubai. Once back in London, Athena learns to share her powers, which may lead to her demise. The Witch of Portobello is another masterful blend of religious-like miracles, moral principles, and the beauty, and difficulties of following your destiny.

Perfect Weight by Jordan Rubin
I’m not one of the majority of Americans who feel they are 29 pounds overweight. Actually if I could shed seven to ten pounds I’d be happy, but I’m not obsessing on how to do it. So, why a diet book? Well, it discusses eating less processed foods and that’s something I’m interested in. It doesn’t tell the story as beautifully as Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, but it does get the message across.
However, if you are looking for a weight-loss guide, then this is a great book. Jordan Rubin debuted this 16-week program in Toledo, Ohio, one of the unhealthiest cities in the country. It was a success and showed remarkable results that even made national news. According to participants, you'll burn unhealthy fat, experience incredible energy, cleanse built-up toxins from your body, and learn steps for simple sustainability to take weight off our planet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was down with the flu for a few weeks, but finally got to check it out. What a great idea. Leave it to Paulo to create a venue for artists to get involved!